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ESG data

We have posted the data on the ESG of MUFG.

Environmental Data
Social Data

Reducing Our Environmental Impacts through Core Business

Environmental Accounting: Reducing CO2 and
Achieving Economic Effects through Loans

Financing making use of the Japanese government's interest rate subsidy program targets a diverse range of items, such as the installation of generating equipment powered by solar, wind and other types of renewable energy; air conditioning equipment at factories and office buildings; lighting and other energy-saving equipment and materials; energy-conscious construction; and a variety of waste disposal and treatment facilities, including industrial waste recycling facilities, melting furnaces and final-treatment plants. MUFG Bank provides support for customers' environmentally conscious businesses and contributes indirectly to reducing their environmental impact.

[Fiscal 2019]

Loan projects
Annual CO2 reduction effect Approximately
1,700 tons
Economic impact of CO2 reductions Cumulatively, approximately
¥5.7 billion

Total CO2 Reductions and Economic Effect through Financing

Total CO2 Reductions and Economic Effect through Financing

Ratio by Field of Number of Loans and Total Economic Effect according to CO2 Reduction (Cumulative values since FY2014)

Ratio by Field of Number of Loans and Total Economic Effect according to CO2 Reduction

Changes in CO2 Reductions and Economic Effect through Financing

Item Reduction unit cost FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Number of environmental loans, by fiscal year No. of loans 38 29 21 9 26 23 9
Annual CO2 reductions due to financing, by fiscal year 1,000 t-CO2 190.2 106.4 248.8 19.1 167.6 135.3 1.7
Total CO2 reductions 1,000 t-CO2 643.9 750.3 999.1 1,018.2 1,185.8 1,321.1 1,322.8
Total economic effect of the reduction million yen 4,625 5,104 5,477 5,505 5,614 5,702 5,703
Reduction unit cost (note) yen/t-CO2 7,000 4,500 1,500 1,500 650 650 600
  1. The average cost of Excess Reductions is detailed in the "Results of the assessment of trading prices," a Tokyo Metropolitan Government survey on total reduction obligations and the emissions trading structure in the metropolitan area (March, 2020). This was used as a measure that could be equated with a reduction cost within Japan.

Reducing Our Environmental Impacts of Business Activities

Reductions in CO2 Emissions from Business Activities and Employee Travel

[Method of calculation for FY 2020]

  • Period covered: April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021
  • Scope of Reporting: Includes five companies: Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, and Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS. Data for Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities includes data for Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings, with the exception company automobiles (gasoline).
  • CO2 Emissions Calculation Method: (1) City gas, LPG, kerosene, light oil, heavy oil, steam/hot water, cold water, and gasoline are calculated according to factors based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures; (2) Electricity is calculated according to the most recent basic emissions factors by electricity producers for FY 2017 based on the Act on the Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures;
    (3) Overseas travel (international routes) is calculated according to a factor specified in the General Guidelines on Supply Chain GHG Emission Accounting (Ministry of the Environment / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).
  • CO2 emissions from use of electric power: this report contains the results of calculations based on the “basic emission factor (pre-adjustment emission factor)”, in which power companies do not reflect Kyoto Mechanism credits or cuts in domestic certified emissions, etc.

MUFG Environmental Impact Data and GHG Emissions

Item (GRI Indicators) Units FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020(note)
Total floor space 1,000 m2 2,223 2,222 2,175 2,174 2,175 2,167 2,049
Direct energy consumption (EN3) City gas 1,000 Nm3 4,117 3,915 3,915 3,965 3,697 3,285 2,997
Heavy oil kl 911 882 855 962 805 856 1,005
Kerosene kl 117 87 81 75 76 68 49
Indirect energy consumption (EN4) Electricity 1,000 kWh 424,222 399,733 409,823 397,386 381,211 395,463 369,073
Steam, hot water GJ 47,827 52,473 63,463 68,257 62,466 61,657 58,856
Cold water GJ 45,931 46,143 55,836 56,213 61,828 57,148 49,779
Energy use from employee travel and transportation (EN30) Overseas travel (international routes) 1,000 km 50,843 53,968 56,568 52,672 52,359 36,280 64
Company automobiles (gasoline) kl 3,227 3,152 2,927 2,684 2,570 2,133 1,517
Water usage efficiency (EN8) Tap water 1,000 m3 1,459 1,405 1,398 1,503 1,446 1,383 671
Waste water 1,000 m3 1,197 1,152 1,155 1,176 1,208 1,154 479
Scope1 Direct CO2 emissions (EN15) t-CO2 11,947 11,344 11,421 11,836 10,795 9,963 9,555
Scope2 Indirect CO2 emissions (EN16) t-CO2 230,004 209,604 212,282 202,004 186,870 184,287 161,554
Scope3 Other indirect CO2 emissions (EN17) t-CO2 11,713 11,792 11,487 10,598 10,309 7,959 3,526
Offsets using CDM credits t-CO2 - - -25,500 0 0 0 0
Total t-CO2 253,664 232,740 209,689 224,439 207,973 202,209 174,634
Basic unit of CO2 emission (CO2 emissions per unit of floor space) t-CO2/
1,000 m2
114 105 96 103 96 93 85
Basic unit of electricity use kWh/m2 191 180 188 183 175 182 180
(note) Provisional number as of July 2021

Details of Scope

Item FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020(note1)
Direct CO2 emissions
City gas 9,182 8,731 8,897 9,036 8,420 7,472 6,709
Heaby oil 2,469 2,391 2,318 2,608 2,180 2,321 2,724
Kerosene 296 222 206 192 194 170 123
subtotal 11,947 11,344 11,421 11,836 10,795 9,963 9,555
Indirect CO2 emissions
Electricity 224,660 203,982 205,482 194,910 179,785 177,248 155,362
Steam, hot water 2,726 2,991 3,617 3,891 3,561 3,514 3,355
Cold water 2,618 2,630 3,183 3,204 3,524 3,524 2,837
subtotal 230,004 209,604 212,282 202,004 186,870 184,287 161,554
Other indirect CO2 emissions
Overseas travel (international routes) 4,220 4,479 4,695 4,372 4,346 3,011 5
Company automobiles (gasoline) 7,493 7,313 6,792 6,226 5,963 4,948 3,520
subtotal 11,713 11,792 11,487 10,598 10,309 7,959 3,526
Offsets using CDM credits 0 0 -25,500 0 0 0 0
Total 253,664 232,740 209,689 224,439 207,973 202,209 174,634

(note1) Provisional number as of July 2021

  1. Numbers represented with "EN" are performance indices according to the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.
  2. In FY 2016, the total area of floor space occupied was 1,609,600 m2 for Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and MUFG Bank combined; 328,700 m2 for Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking; 144,000 m2 for Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities; and 92,600 m2 for Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS.

Environmental Accounting Information for Our Offices

MUFG announces the results of environmental accounting, as part of environmentally conscious business activities, for the quantitative management of environmental efforts. Table 1 (Costs for Environmental Measures) presents the aggregate results for the costs for group environmental measures. MUFG measures and reports environmental impact data and greenhouse gas emissions quantities for all core group companies. Table 2 (Benefits of Environmental Measures) presents data regarding the benefits of these environmental measures, including the consumption of fuel, electricity and heat, and other factors, as well as CO2 emissions.

[Method of calculation for FY 2019]

  • Period covered: April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020
  • Companies included: Core group companies (Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities and Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS).
  • Accounting method: Based on Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, published by Japanese Ministry of the Environment.
  • As for the method of calculation, the depreciation expenses on investment amounts are included in expenses using the straight line method for a service life of five years (with no residual value). The service life is set at five years as the period during which repairs and improvements are required following the introduction of environmental equipment.
  • As for standards for the posting of compound costs, items related to environmental preservation are calculated following Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, published by Japanese Ministry of the Environment.

Trends of Costs for Environmental Measures

Trends of Costs for Environmental Measures

(1) Cost for environmental measures

(Million yen)
Category Details FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Cost for environmental measures compared to
FY 2018
Investment Expense Investment Expense Investment Expense Investment Expense
1. Operation area costs - 6,768 6,903 4,203 7,380 3,207 7,500 △996 119
Details 1-1. Costs for pollution prevention Costs for asbestos surveys, removal, measurement and inspection, etc. 0 99 0 228 0 167 0 △61
1-2. Costs for addressing global environmental issues Investments: Installation of energy-efficient lighting and air conditioning equipment, etc.
Costs: Depreciation for energy-efficient equipment, etc.
6,768 6,441 4,203 6,783 3,207 6,908 △996 124
1-3. Costs for reuse of resources Disposal of general and industrial waste 0 363 0 369 0 425 0 56
2. Upstream / downstream costs - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Costs for management activities Development/operation of environmental management systems, environmental information disclosure, etc. 0 15 0 8 0 10 0 3
4. Costs for research and development - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Social activity costs Charitable contributions related to environmental conservation, etc. 0 86 0 98 0 96 0 △3
6.Environmental remediation costs - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6,768 7,005 4,203 7,486 3,207 7,606 △996 119
Category Details FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016
Investment Expense Investment Expense Investment Expense Investment Expense
1. Operation area costs - 2,332 5,056 2,800 5,171 11,349 7,123 8,199 7,486
Details 1-1. Costs for pollution prevention Costs for asbestos surveys, removal, measurement and inspection, etc. - 235 0 178 0 188 0 242
1-2. Costs for addressing global environmental issues Investments: Installation of energy-efficient lighting and air conditioning equipment, etc.
Costs: Depreciation for energy-efficient equipment, etc.
2,332 4,442 2,800 4,671 11,349 6,579 8,199 6,854
1-3. Costs for reuse of resources Disposal of general and industrial waste - 379 0 322 0 356 0 389
2. Upstream / downstream costs - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Costs for management activities Development/operation of environmental management systems, environmental information disclosure, etc. 50 345 0 138 0 26 0 74
4. Costs for research and development - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Social activity costs Charitable contributions related to environmental conservation, etc. - 151 0 77 0 106 0 110
6.Environmental remediation costs - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,382 5,552 2,800 5,386 11,349 7,255 8,199 7,670

(2) Environmental benefits

Category Environmental performance indicators Units FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Environmental benefits compared to
FY 2018
Environmental benefits related to resource inputs for business activities City gas 1,000 Nm3 3,965 3,697 3,285 △412
Heavy oil kl 962 805 856 52
Kerosene kl 75 76 68 △8
Electricity 1,000 kWh 397,386 381,211 395,463 14,252
Steam, hot water GJ 68,257 62,466 61,657 △809
Cold water GJ 56,213 61,828 57,148 △4,680
Tap water 1,000 m3 1,503 1,446 1,383 △63
Energy consumption associated with road travel for executives and employees: company automobiles (gasoline) kl 2,684 2,570 2,133 △437
The effects of environmental conservation efforts related to the environmental burden and waste emitted from our business activities GHG emission t-CO2 224,439 207,973 202,744 △5,229
Waste water 1,000 m3 1,176 1,208 1,154 △54
Other environmental benefits Energy consumption associated with travel for executives and employees: air travel (international routes) 1,000 km 52,672 52,359 36,280 △16,079
Category Environmental performance indicators Units FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016
Environmental benefits related to resource inputs for business activities City gas 1,000 Nm3 4,715 4,117 3,915 3,915
Heavy oil kl 887 911 882 855
Kerosene kl 88 117 87 81
Electricity 1,000 kWh 471,881 424,222 399,733 409,823
Steam, hot water GJ 35,691 47,827 52,473 63,463
Cold water GJ 25,643 45,931 46,143 55,836
Tap water 1,000 m3 1,995 1,459 1,405 1,398
Energy consumption associated with road travel for executives and employees: company automobiles (gasoline) kl 3,174 3,227 3,152 2,927
The effects of environmental conservation efforts related to the environmental burden and waste emitted from our business activities GHG emission t-CO2 299,228 253,664 232,740 209,689
Waste water 1,000 m3 1,702 1,197 1,152 1,155
Other environmental benefits Energy consumption associated with travel for executives and employees: air travel (international routes) 1,000 km 78,465 50,843 53,968 56,568

Social Data - Employee-related Data

Status of Employees (new criteria)

  FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
MUFG Bank Number of employees(note1) 35,214 34,865 34,276 34,101 33,524 32,186

Of these, overseas local hires

5,619 5,758 5,781 5,800 5,669 5,840
Contract employees 1,891 1,730 1,641 1,609 1,562 1,501
Temporary employees(note2) 12,356 12,244 11,973 11,347 11,119 10,300
Average age(note3) 38 yrs.1 mo. 37 yrs.10 mo. 37 yrs.11 mo. 37 yrs.6 mo. 38 yrs.2 mo. 39 yrs.7 mo.
Average years of continuous service(note3) 14 yrs.9 mo. 14 yrs.6 mo. 14 yrs.6 mo. 14 yrs.1 mo. 14 yrs.8 mo. 15 yrs.2 mo.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Number of employees(note4) 6,879 6,963 6,959 7,011 6,457 6,397

Of these, contract salespersons

563 686 603 534 468 443

Of these, overseas local hires

289 382 407 392 388 388
Temporary employees 1,621 1,755 1,804 1,785 1,582 1,538
Average age(note5) 41 yrs.4 mo. 42 yrs.11 mo. 42 yrs.9 mo. 42 yrs.9 mo. 42 yrs.10 mo. 42 yrs.9 mo.
Average years of continuous service(note5) 16 yrs.6 mo. 15 yrs.7 mo. 15 yrs.10 mo. 16 yrs.2 mo. 16 yrs.7 mo. 16 yrs.8 mo.
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Number of employees 4,918 5,174 5,226 5,204 5,273 5,401

Of these, overseas local hires(note6)

0 0 0 0 0 0
Temporary employees Avg.424 Avg.459 Avg.400 Avg.288 Avg.222 Avg.192
Average age 40 yrs.10 mo. 40 yrs.9 mo. 40 yrs.9 mo. 41 yrs.1 mo. 41 yrs.6 mo. 41 yrs.11 mo.
Average years of continuous service 13 yrs.5 mo. 13 yrs.4 mo. 13 yrs.5 mo. 13 yrs.11 mo. 14 yrs.4 mo. 14 yrs.8 mo.
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Number of employees(note7) 3,286 3,331 3,402 3,181 3,111 3,059
Average age 40 yrs.0 mo. 40 yrs.2 mo. 40 yrs.2 mo. 40 yrs.1 mo. 40 yrs.6 mo. 41 yrs.0 mo.
Average years of continuous service 15 yrs.5 mo. 15 yrs.8 mo. 16 yrs.0 mo. 16 yrs.1 mo. 16 yrs.6 mo. 17 yrs.1 mo.
ACOM Number of employees(note8) 1,851 1,892 1,854 1,936 2,020 2,063
Temporary employees(note9) 172 144 161 116 113 84
Average age 39 yrs.11 mo. 39 yrs.7 mo. 39 yrs.11 mo. 40 yrs.0 mo. 40 yrs.5 mo. 40 yrs.8 mo.
Average years of continuous service 15 yrs.0 mo. 14 yrs.10 mo. 15 yrs.2 mo. 14 yrs.11 mo. 14 yrs.5 mo. 14 yrs.10 mo.
  1. Does not include executive officers, excludes MUFG Bank (the Bank) employees seconded to other companies, includes employees of other companies seconded to the Bank.
  2. Includes temporary staff.
  3. Excludes employees hired by overseas subsidiaries and employees of other companies seconded to the Bank.
  4. Does not include executive officers.
  5. Excludes executive officers, employees seconded from other companies and employees hired by overseas subsidiaries.
  6. Employees hired by the Beijing office.
  7. Does not include executive officers and seconded employees.
  8. Regular employees (including advisors and executive officers) and regular employees fixed to workplaces. Excluded employees seconded from the Company but includes those seconded to the Company.
  9. Average number of people employed during the year on fixed-term contracts (associate employees and temporary employees)

Number of Hires(note1)

  FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
MUFG Bank(note2) Main Career Track 551 515 441 388 608 346
Main Career Track
321 316 320 226 - -
Business-Specialist Track 724 560 445 403 350 167
Total 1596 1391 1206 1017 958 513
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Track G 162 - - - - -
Track B 109 - - - - -
Main Career Track - 238 223 135 177 195
Main career path - 99 80 94 72 -
Total 271 337 303 229 249 195
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Main Career Track 176 217 179 190 217 84
Area-Specific Main Career Track 84 79 83 43 30 -
Regional Track 61 9 12 10 13 0
Total 321 305 274 243 260 84
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Main Career 73 66 64 56 75 77
Regular Service 54 37 42 14 21 25
Total 127 103 106 70 96 102
ACOM Main Career Track 62 76 49 58 81 65
Employment in limited positions 77 57 31 33 32 17
Total 139 133 80 91 113 82
  1. These join the company on April 1 each fiscal year (only new graduates).
  2. Using September 31 of the next fiscal year as a basis (fiscal 2016 data limited only to employees who joined in April)

Number of Employees Using Support Systems and Leave

  FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
MUFG Bank Childcare leave 2,035 2,229 2,640 2,940 2,886 2,815
(211 male) (235 male) (555 male) (582 male) (535 male) (610 male)
Shorter work hours for childcare 1,196 1,291 1,387 1,216 1,367 1,460
Nursing care leave 223 298 365 429 517 643
(55 male) (74 male) (94 male) (98 male) (142 male) (156 male)
Family care leave 18 8 8 13 16 25
Relocation recruitment system 112 111 149 147 170 178
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Childcare leave 276 315 363 386 413 507
(1 male) (4 male) (8 male) (8 male) (22 male ) (106 male )
Shorter work hours for childcare 260 331 280 322 328 351
Subsidy for childcare expenses 204 207 227 295 292 295
Use of maiden name 293 324 336 386 434 485
Job Challenge system 7 5 12 15 15 29
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Childcare leave 159 161 218 282 233 286
(21 male) (17 male) (57 male) (119 male) (83 male) (121 male)
Shorter work hours for childcare 122 128 143 177 143 147
Family care leave 0 2 1 1 0 2
Relocation requests 6 7 9 14 7 11
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Childcare leave 134 143 156 149 134 156
(2 male) (1 male) (3 male) (4 male) (3 male) (21 male)
Shorter work hours for childcare 234 257 282 280 306 297
Nursing care leave 38 34 42 46 58 80
Family care leave 4 7 6 3 0 5

Company Targets and Results for Female Representation in Managerial Positions

    Target(note) Mar-2019 Mar-2020
MUFG Bank Executive officer
3 2 4
(ratio to total managers)
17% 17.1% 20.2%
Other Managerial Staff
(ratio to total managers)
27% 24.3% 27.0%
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Executive officer
1 1 2
(ratio to total managers)
8% 8.7% 9.7%
Other Managerial Staff
(ratio to total managers)
25% 23.8% 25.2%
Mitsubishi UFJ
Morgan Stanley
Executive officer
- 2 3
(ratio to total managers)
120 or more
(Approx. 7%)
(Approx. 6.1%)
(Approx. 6.8%)
Other Managerial Staff
(ratio to total managers)
13% or more 14.3% 16.0%
    Target(note1) Mar-2017 Mar-2018 Mar-2019 Mar-2020
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Managers and Team Leaders
(Equivalent to Assistant Manager)
At least 25% 19.7% 20.1% 20.0% 20.4%
  1. The goal is to reach the end of March 2021.
(As of September 2020)