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Respecting Human Rights

Human Rights Management

The MUFG Way, which guides all of our activities, defines our Purpose as being "Committed to empowering a brighter future." Under this purpose, we are committed to protecting the diverse human rights of all stakeholders, including society and our customers.
MUFG also provides human rights awareness-raising trainings for executives and employees at all levels as part of our efforts to promote correct understanding and appreciation of human rights issues among all personnel, while encouraging our customers and suppliers to respect human rights based on our Human Rights Policy as well.

MUFG Human Rights Policy Statement

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) recognizes respect for human rights as an important issue to be addressed in the management of our business for the realization of our Purpose defined in the MUFG Way of being "Committed to empowering a brighter future." We are committed to endeavor to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights across all of our operations.  

MUFG's Board of Directors has established the MUFG Human Rights Policy to realize this responsibility. The MUFG Human Rights Policy is to be periodically reviewed to determine whether amendment is needed, and will be revised as necessary.

The MUFG Human Rights Policy stipulates that we respect international human rights standards such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and that our executives and employees will strive to respect the human rights of all people, while encouraging our customers and suppliers to respect human rights as well.


Policies and Guidelines

Human Rights Management Structure

The MUFG Human Rights Policy is determined and reviewed by MUFG's Board of Directors.

Policies on measures and initiatives concerning respect for human rights based on the MUFG Human Rights Policy and other important matters related to human rights are deliberated by the Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the Group CSuO, a member of the Board of Directors. The results of the Sustainability Committee's deliberations are supervised by and reported to the Board of Directors.

Based on the discussions of the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Committee, resources necessary to ensure effective respect for and protection of human rights are allocated to relevant business groups as appropriate.

Structure for Raising Awareness of Human Rights and Activities at Group Companies

MUFG's Group companies recognize respect for human rights as an important issue for management to address, and in addition to having issued the MUFG Human Rights Policy Statement, are committed to increasing awareness of human rights by helping all employees fully understand the content of our Code of Conduct and Compliance Manual to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights in all our operations.
The Bank, the Trust Bank, and the Securities have established the following human rights awareness promotion system. In addition to conducting training and other educational activities, employees promoting and in charge of educational activities in each division, office, and branch are implementing and promoting initiatives for respecting human rights throughout the MUFG Group. We are striving to promote correct understanding and appreciation of human rights issues among all executives and employees through means including conducting human rights awareness-raising training during the training sessions for new employees and for employees at all levels of our business.

Management Training for Handling Harassment

Ongoing training about harassment definitions and points to be aware of, in addition to handling of reports and other issues, is provided through various means including e-learning.

Sharing Human Rights Slogans

As part of activities for raising awareness of human rights, the Bank and the Trust Bank collect human rights slogans from employees and their families every year. The best slogans are selected and posted in the company newsletter and portal site to be shared company-wide.

Human Rights Due Diligance

Human Rights Due Diligence Process

MUFG engages in human rights due diligence by respecting the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct (hereinafter "OECD Guidance"), which is a practical guide to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

MUFG uses the human rights due diligence framework presented in the OECD Guidance as a reference to identify human rights issues relevant to its business, cease, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts, and track  implementation and results.

Human Rights Issues Facing Financial Institutions

MUFG takes note of the various human rights issues listed below and is working with all relevant stakeholders to prevent human rights violations.

As stated in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, MUFG pays particular attention to the human rights of women, children, and indigenous peoples, who are considered to be vulnerable to human rights violations among stakeholders.

■Human rights issues related to employees

Discrimination in hiring and employment

Sexual harassment, power harassment

Working conditions/environment, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, etc.


■Human rights issues related to customers

Customer privacy, access to financial services, etc.

■Human rights issues that can be promoted through or are related to investments and loans

Child labor, forced labor, community impact, indigenous rights, etc.


■Issues related to suppliers' business

Overwork, environmental violations, legal violations, etc.

Prevention and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts

MUFG conducts ongoing due diligence on human rights issues concerning various stakeholders, including customers and employees. The results of this due diligence are verified and discussed by the relevant departments, and mitigation measures are adopted to overcome such human rights issues.

On Employees

In accordance with the MUFG Human Rights Policy, MUFG is committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination in employment and at work, and ensures compliance with the Policy through activities to raise awareness.

We have established the MUFG Group Compliance Helpline, which serves as a consultation service for human rights violations from the entire Group, as well as a consultation service for employees, and accepts consultations on a wide range of issues including harassment and human relations. We have established a system to resolve and eliminate all forms of discrimination, ensure that human rights violations are not tolerated, and such violations are prevented, as well as ensure compliance with this system through activities to raise awareness.


At the Bank, the Employee Consultation Office provides a variety of consultation services and also supports improvement of the workplace environment through on-site interviews at each branch. In addition, each business location appoints an employee advisor who serves as a familiar face to provide consultation in the workplace on front-line workers' concerns and to proactively work with the Employee Consultation Office to improve the workplace environment. We are also promoting various initiatives that aim to create workplaces where all employees can thrive without giving up their identity.


In addition, based on the MUFG Human Resources Principles, we promote inclusion and diversity, providing a workplace where all employees can approach their work with vitality and job satisfaction as well as growth opportunities.


Creating a Workplace Where All Employees Can Play an Active Role

On Customers

MUFG recognizes that its operations may cause or contribute to, or be directly linked to, adverse human rights impacts in any area. Based on customer satisfaction surveys, customer opinions and complaints, and the social role expected of financial institutions, MUFG continuously conducts due diligence to cease, prevent, and mitigate adverse impacts on human rights that may be caused through our business activities, and utilizes the results in our branch management and other operations.


For example, MUFG is committed to introducing universal design in both tangible and intangible aspects, improving in areas such as hospitality and facility to provide peace of mind for all customers.

Examples of Universal Design Initiatives


We also strive to protect the privacy of all customers involved in our business activities, including banking, by ensuring appropriate handling of their personal information and prevention of data leaks.


The MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework was established as the basis for ceasing, preventing, and mitigating adverse environmental and social impacts, including human rights issues, in financing for corporate customers. We assure respect for human rights by conducting due diligence as prescribed in the Policy Framework when necessary in making credit decisions at the Bank and the Trust Bank, and in underwriting bonds and equities at the Securities. This Policy Framework prohibits financing for businesses that engage in child or forced labor.


We recognize that large-scale infrastructure and natural resources development projects may have adverse impacts on the local environment and surrounding communities. In accordance with the Equator Principles, the Bank identifies risks and impacts on society and the environment, including the status of consideration for human rights, in the operations of recipients of financing and confirms mitigation measures suggested by customers.


The Equator Principles


In addition, MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, MUFG Securities EMEA, etc. have announced efforts to reduce the risk of human trafficking and other measures in their statement on the Modern Slavery Act.

On Suppliers

MUFG has stipulated its Approach to Purchasing Activity which requires suppliers to respect basic human rights. Based on the Approach to Purchasing Activity, the Bank provides and explains its Guidelines for Purchasing Activity to its suppliers and asks them to understand MUFG's policy. The Bank has also established procedures for external contractors to periodically evaluate matters related to human rights, depending on the importance of the contract and the circumstances of the contract, and takes appropriate measures. The Bank has also established a consultation service for suppliers to prevent the abuse of superior bargaining positions and human rights violations against suppliers, which is described in the Guidelines for Purchasing Activity.

Approach to Purchasing Activity: Policies and Guidlines


Furthermore, in response to the enforcement of the Modern Slavery Act in the UK in 2015 and in Australia in 2019, MUFG companies subject to this law published statements of their initiatives to prevent the exploitation of labor and human trafficking in their and suppliers' business in fiscal 2019, and are working to prevent human rights abuses in their supply chains.

MUFG Companies' Statements


Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking

MUFG Securities EMEA(PDF / 353KB)

Recourse for Human Rights Violations

Internal Reporting System

A consultation service for issues such as sexual harassment and abuse of authority is established at each Group company to ensure a pleasant and positive work environment and promote human rights. It responds to reports submitted in-person or via phone, email, etc., while providing consideration for the individual's anonymity and privacy. It also accepts and responds to reports from stakeholders outside the Group, including customers and suppliers, about human rights violations caused by MUFG's business activities.
In cases where executives or employees of a Group company, or financial products or services provided by them, are confirmed as performing or being involved in activities which adversely affect human rights, MUFG will respond in an appropriate manner and implement remedial actions.

Related link: Internal Reporting System

Grievance Mechanism

The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights require companies to establish a grievance mechanism, and MUFG has established a system to appropriately respond to the opinions and complaints of customers and other stakeholders, including those on human rights issues.

When it becomes clear that an officer or employee of a Group company or a product or service provided by a Group company causes, contributes to, or is directly linked to adverse impacts on human rights, MUFG will respond appropriately and work to provide remedy to the situation.

<Grievance Mechanism(note1)
  1. MUFG Bank
  2. Fiduciary Duties
Examples of Responses Based on Opinions/Complaints
Opinion/Complaint MUFG Response
Insufficient and lengthy guidance on filling out documents related to OTC transactions for foreign customers Improved response to facilitate smooth OTC transactions by posting sample forms in multiple languages on the website
Palm oil business is prone to human rights issues related to workers, and financial institutions should consider taking action Recognizing that MUFG's investment and loan activities may have a direct adverse impact on human rights, the palm oil sector policy in the MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework has been tightened to require customers to obtain only the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) international certification (April 2022).


MUFG has established the MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework as a framework to cease, prevent, and mitigate adverse environmental and social impacts, including human rights issues, through finance. We have been promoting the implementation of this framework through constructive communication with a variety of stakeholders. If, through dialogue with stakeholder environmental and human rights organizations (NPO/NGOs), we become aware of the possibility of human rights issues, such as labor issues related to our customers we will confirm the facts and, if necessary, consider whether or not to revise our transaction policies. Information obtained from such stakeholders is also used as reference when reviewing the MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework.
(As of August 2022)