[ Main contents start here ]

Environmental Education and Preservation Environmental Education and Preservation

Environmental Education and Preservation

MUFG believes that activities linked with environmental preservation and environmental education are important initiatives toward achieving a sustainable society. We help preserve World Heritage Sites, thereby protecting the natural environments that are the common inheritance of humankind and provide environmental learning opportunities that help raise awareness of sustainability.

Environmental Education and Environmental Preservation Activities

Creating a sustainable society that has a reduced impact on the environment is vital to protecting a bounteous natural environment and ensuring it will be passed down to the children of the future. Learning about the environment and proactive involvement in environmental preservation initiatives are important for achieving these goals.

Supporting the Activities of UNESCO Associated Schools

In an effort to nurture the next generation that is essential for realizing and maintaining a sustainable society, MUFG Bank actively supports SDGs education in schools in a joint effort with the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan. In fiscal 2020, we provided grants to 79 schools under the "UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) SDGs Assist Project". Also, as a consponsor of the Annual National Conference of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, we have contributed to promoting the activities of UNESCO Associated Schools through introducing our corporate initiatives related to the SDGs.


UNESCO Assosiated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) SDGs Assist Project

Fostering Environmental Leaders

Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (the Securities Business) is responsible for the "Designing Environmental Business" segment in the "International Program for Environmental Innovators" offered at Keio University's Graduate School.
In this way, the Securities Business has worked to train people and create an environment that nurtures highly-skilled environmental specialists that will contribute to a low-carbon society. We have also provided lectures on environmental business, emissions reduction credit schemes, such as for CDM and JCM, global warming issues and other matters related to sustainable society, and speeches on ESG (Environmental, Social,and Governance) investment and corporate initiatives for realizing sustainable development goals (SDGs), at various universities(Note).

In future, while leveraging our extensive track record, know-how and networks that we have developed in the fields of ESG investment, climate finance, climate change financial information disclosure, etc. in integrated initiatives across the MUFG Group, we intend to train environmental human resources through the Group's broad financial functions and global network.

(Note)Sophia University, Waseda University, Yokohama National University and Kwansei Gakuin University, etc.


Lecture at University
Lecture at University
(As of December 2021)