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The Equator Principles

MUFG Bank supports its clients' environmental and social risk management and contributes toward a sustainable world by adoption of and adherence to the Equator Principles, a risk management framework for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risks and impacts for large-scale projects.

Environmental and social impact assessment and risk management through the Equator Principles

MUFG Bank (the Bank) recognizes that large-scale infrastructure and natural resources development projects may have adverse impacts on local environment and surrounding communities.
The Bank, as a financier and/or a financial advisor, works in partnership with its clients to determine, assess and manage environmental and social risks and impacts related to the projects.
The Bank adopted the Equator Principles in 2005 to ensure that the projects it finances and advises on are developed in a socially responsible manner and establish good environmental management practices to minimize, mitigate, and/or offset environmental and social risks and impacts.
The Bank supports its clients' environmental and social risk management and contributes toward a sustainable world through implementation of the Equator Principles, a risk management framework for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risks and impacts for large-scale projects.

Site Visits

Environmental and Social Assessment Department, Sustainability Office, Corporate Planning Division conducts site visits as needed to assess the implementation of environmental and social considerations of project sites around the world which we finance, helping us monitor our client’s practices.
Example 1: Site Visit
Site Visit 1
Example 2: Site Visit
Site Visit 2

Financial Advisory Service Support

When MUFG Bank provides financial advisory services to clients considering project finance,  the Environmental and Social Assessment Department, Sustainability Office, Corporate Planning Division works with clients, as appropriate, on the application of EP requirements from an early stage of the transaction.

Education and Training

MUFG Bank conducts training for its employees with the objective of deepening their understanding of environmental and social considerations and promoting the philosophy and practices of EP.

The training is primarily targeted at employees in charge of project finance and credit. The Bank also utilizes internal communication measures to promote better understanding of social and environmental considerations by all employees. Additionally, to new appointees, the Bank will give training on internal procedures on implementation of the Equator Principles and case studies that illustrate projects’ environmental and social considerations.

The Bank also provides training for customers at their request.

Education and Training
Education and Training 1
Education and Training
Education and Training 2

Environmental and Social Consideration and Categorization Report

MUFG Bank (the “Bank”) discloses the numbers of the project finance transactions and the project-related corporate loans that achieved financial close every year, and the number of the project finance advisory services where the Bank was mandated during the same period in “Environmental and social consideration and categorization report” in accordance with the Equator Principles and the Bank’s Implementation Guidelines for the Equator Principles.

The Bank categorizes the projects proposed for financing based on the magnitude of their potential environmental and social risks and impacts in accordance with the Bank’s Implementation Guidelines for the Equator Principles, referring to the International Finance Corporation (IFC)’s Performance Standards and World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines. Especially when assigning Category A to a project, the Bank categorizes the project in accordance with the definition of a Category A project in the Equator Principles referring as appropriate to other guidelines including OECD’s Common Approaches and relevant public institution’s guidelines.

Selected information assured by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. is marked with ().
Selected information assured by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. is marked with ().
Selected information assured by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. is marked with ().
Selected information assured by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. is marked with ().
  1. Starting in 2024, reports under the Equator Principles must be conducted on a calendar year basis, from January to December.
    Previously, our bank has conducted its reporting/disclosure based on the fiscal year, which runs from April to March.
    To comply with the new requirements, we will be reporting/disclosing our 2023 results over a 9-month, from April to December, as a transitional measure.
(As of June 2024)