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Create a Workplace

Fundamental Concept

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) has established the MUFG Human Resources Principles as its basic approach toward realizing human resource management in line with the MUFG Way. Along with the MUFG Way, our basic code of conduct, the MUFG Human Resources Principles are shared and communicated with all MUFG Group employees through training at the time of hire as well as in-house training and are also publicized on MUFG's website.

Initiatives of Group Companies

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

MUFG Group companies regularly monitor working conditions to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate and strive to improve working environments and working hours. Each company is also compliant with the Act to Promote Work Style Reform that came into effect in April 2019. Items being monitored include whether there are violations of Article 36 on overtime work and minimum wage violations, and the number of work-related accidents.

Reducing Overtime

MUFG regularly monitors overtime hours and the number of employees who work long hours, with the entirety of the Group working to improve working environments. Group companies record PC log-on and log-off times for daily work management and in addition to accurately ascertaining each employee's work status, management operates with an awareness of limits set on working hours and the intervals within which employees work. Additionally, MUFG is striving to correct long working hours by optimizing operations through the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), setting target times for leaving the office, and establishing early finish days.

As a result, progress is being made on reducting overtime hours for employees in Japan.

Promoting Workstyle Reforms

MUFG has positioned promoting work style reforms as one of the 10 priority issues to be addressed via sustainability management. As we aim to enable employees to realize their full potential, we have promoted the revision of administrative procedures and the streamlining of meeting practices while going paperless and developing infrastructure for remote working. By doing so, we help employees allocate more time to engaging in direct communications with customers and taking on new challenges.

Currently, we are pushing ahead with expanding the scope of banking procedures that can be completed online, believing that improving the efficiency of our financial functions, which constitute a part of social infrastructure, will help society as a whole achieve higher productivity, in addition to making us more productive.

Promotion of Smart Work

MUFG is promoting the active use of remote work and staggered working hours, and employee motivation and work efficiency by realizing a flexible work style that is not restricted by location or time.

The development of a working environment supportive of remote working

Promoting the development of a working environment supportive of remote working by, for example, enhancing satellite offices, facilitating the use of online meetings, and upgrading functions of company-furnished smartphones

Paperless initiatives

With the release of an online business card exchange function, we are promoting the digitization of business cards and the digitization of contracts to promote paperless initiatives.

Health and Productivity Management

Our Approach to Health and Productivity Management

To realize MUFG’s purpose, “Committed to empowering a brighter future,” we place the utmost importance on the mental and physical health of our employees so that we can devote ourselves fully to responding to and finding solutions for the challenges faced by society, our customers, and all other stakeholders. Based on each company’s health and productivity commitment, the Bank, Trust Bank, and Securities are promoting health and productivity management as one of their management missions.

Specifically, industrial physicians and occupational health staff working at MUFG Group companies and health insurance societies cooperate to manage employees’ mental and physical health through regular health checkups, stress checks, and various health counseling programs. Furthermore, in addition to the implementation of these and other health initiatives, they are evaluated and improved by setting KPIs for individual initiatives and monitoring their progress.

Initiatives of Group Companies

Details The Bank The Trust Bank The Securities
Declaration of Health and Productivity management
Regular health checkups
Stress level checks
Establishment of Safety and Health Management Rules
Health Committee meetings
Workplace patrol
Interviews with overworked employees by industrial physicians

Health counseling by occupational health staff and counseling by clinical psychologists

Information submission to employees such as distribution of Healthcare Center Human Resources Division Newsletter
Support for the cost of inf­luenza vaccination
MUFG is recognized under the large enterprise category of the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

Under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program jointly run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi, the Trust Bank was recognized as a "White 500" enterprise under the large enterprise category and the Securities under the large enterprise category.


In its Sustainability Activity Guidelines, the Trust Bank states that it strives to create a safe and enriching society based on a team of professionals that can solve challenges faced by society and customers. The mental and physical health of our employees is our driving force to achieve this goal, as it vitalizes the organization and improves productivity. Based on these principles, we pursue health and productivity management to promote the mental and physical health of employees and the well-being of their families through a variety of initiatives and further respond to the trust and expectations of customers and society.


The Securities is committed to unceasing efforts to create a better tomorrow for our customers and society. With the motto of “Challenge For Better Tomorrow,” our employees continue to deepen their professional expertise and challenge themselves to make innovative changes. To make this a reality, it is essential that each employee is healthy and happy in both mind and body. We strive to be a company that contributes to our employees’ happiness through a variety of measures that promote health and well-being.


Other MUFG Group companies are also promoting health initiatives by sharing knowledge on health and productivity management within the Group.

(As of April 2023)