The Establishment of MUFG University
As we aim to secure a greater number of top management candidates capable of succeeding in accomplishing business reforms amid a rapidly evolving operating environment, our plans call for establishing the MUFG University by the end of fiscal 2018.
The candidates will be selected from those in managerial positions and the university will provide them with a curriculum that brings together programs aimed at enhancing practical business skills and those centered on liberal arts and other academic disciplines. We will thus nurture human resources capable of applying a wider perspective to managing business and better attuned to future trends in the operating environment. In these ways, we will secure the people who will lead MUFG’s business expansion in the future.
The candidates will be selected from those in managerial positions and the university will provide them with a curriculum that brings together programs aimed at enhancing practical business skills and those centered on liberal arts and other academic disciplines. We will thus nurture human resources capable of applying a wider perspective to managing business and better attuned to future trends in the operating environment. In these ways, we will secure the people who will lead MUFG’s business expansion in the future.

Nurturing Employees with Multiple Skills
In addition to offering a broader range of career opportunities to employees, we will push ahead with workstyle reforms involving the greater use of robotics, AI and other technologies. Doing so will free employees from certain tasks while increasing the time they have available for engaging with customers. In order to deliver greater value to customers, it is also important for employees to acquire a broader range of skills and enhance these skills during their downtime at work.
Taking these factors into account, we believe that providing employees with greater opportunities to acquire a more extensive set of skills will become ever more important. In line with this belief, we are striving to enhance training systems aimed at instilling practical business skills. Furthermore, we are striving to enrich the content of programs that assist in selfdirected studies, to this end developing e-learning programs that enable employees to study at home.
Taking these factors into account, we believe that providing employees with greater opportunities to acquire a more extensive set of skills will become ever more important. In line with this belief, we are striving to enhance training systems aimed at instilling practical business skills. Furthermore, we are striving to enrich the content of programs that assist in selfdirected studies, to this end developing e-learning programs that enable employees to study at home.

Integrated Management of Human Resources around the Globe
Currently, the MUFG Group has approximately 60,000 employees hired in countries other than Japan. In an effort to ensure that all of them feel comfortable about being part of the MUFG workforce, we are stepping up employee training aimed at facilitating their understanding of MUFG culture. We have also introduced on-the-job (OJT) training programs in which overseas employees take on assignments in countries outside of their location of mployment, such as in Japan.
Furthermore, we have established a unified talent management framework that applies to MUFG’s human resources around the globe. On top of the previously existing separate human resource management systems in place for business units operating in each of the three regional blocs of EMEA, the Americas and Asia, we have established a single HR committee charged with ensuring the integrated management of human resources on an across-the-board basis.
Thanks to these ongoing efforts, ever greater numbers of those who were hired in countries abroad are taking on managerial positions at MUFG.
For example, MUFG Bank executive officers include 13 people hired in countries abroad. Of these, four executive officers are female. Moreover, as a result of our broadening the range of career paths available to them, we have seen improved motivation among individuals hired overseas and their drive is helping to inspire their peers hired in Japan. In short, our approach to global human resources development is creating a more positive cycle.
Furthermore, we have established a unified talent management framework that applies to MUFG’s human resources around the globe. On top of the previously existing separate human resource management systems in place for business units operating in each of the three regional blocs of EMEA, the Americas and Asia, we have established a single HR committee charged with ensuring the integrated management of human resources on an across-the-board basis.
Thanks to these ongoing efforts, ever greater numbers of those who were hired in countries abroad are taking on managerial positions at MUFG.
For example, MUFG Bank executive officers include 13 people hired in countries abroad. Of these, four executive officers are female. Moreover, as a result of our broadening the range of career paths available to them, we have seen improved motivation among individuals hired overseas and their drive is helping to inspire their peers hired in Japan. In short, our approach to global human resources development is creating a more positive cycle.

Enhancing Training Programs
Each Group company is developing training programs in order to ensure that employees can provide high-value-added services to customers with a high-level of motivation and expertise.
MUFG Bank (the Bank)
The Bank defines human resource development as "personal capacity + skills and expertise ⇒ achievements and contribution." In other words, an employee begins with personal capacity, adding skills and expertise gained as a professional to attain high levels of achievement and contribution on a medium- to long-term basis.
While human resource development is based on reinforcement through daily work, in order to bolster the personal capacity of employees, training is implemented on a company-wide basis according to rank. In addition, skills-training programs are provided for each division, with the aim of raising the level of employees' skills and expertise, which are necessary in order to provide superior financial services. Furthermore, a full palette of self-enrichment support systems is offered to all employees, providing them with opportunities for independent learning at every growth stage. The Bank believes that enhancing these training and self-enrichment programs helps employees enhance their personal capacity, skills and expertise, providing the support they need to grow as employees.
As well as enhancing training systems, in order to improve day-to-day working experience. The Bank strives to cultivate an environment of fostering human resource development within the workplace. Starting with management training, the company is working to create a culture of cultivating people and reinforcing the organization through systems of assigning managers to young employee development and an expanding the mentorship system.
While human resource development is based on reinforcement through daily work, in order to bolster the personal capacity of employees, training is implemented on a company-wide basis according to rank. In addition, skills-training programs are provided for each division, with the aim of raising the level of employees' skills and expertise, which are necessary in order to provide superior financial services. Furthermore, a full palette of self-enrichment support systems is offered to all employees, providing them with opportunities for independent learning at every growth stage. The Bank believes that enhancing these training and self-enrichment programs helps employees enhance their personal capacity, skills and expertise, providing the support they need to grow as employees.
As well as enhancing training systems, in order to improve day-to-day working experience. The Bank strives to cultivate an environment of fostering human resource development within the workplace. Starting with management training, the company is working to create a culture of cultivating people and reinforcing the organization through systems of assigning managers to young employee development and an expanding the mentorship system.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking (the Trust Bank)
To cultivate true professionals who inspire confidence in customers, the Trust Bank provides training tailored to each individual's position, rank and occupation. Through its Personnel Development Program in each field of business, the company conducts practical job rotation and carries out training for the specific work responsibilities of each division. In addition, the Trust Bank is expanding the range of educational opportunities for employees seeking to independently develop their careers through the "MUTB Business School," self-enrichment seminars, dispatch outside the company, support for obtaining qualifications and various other educational support programs.
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (the Securities Business)
In order to cultivate human resources that possess both "outstanding personal capacity" and a "high level of professionalism" and contribute towards improving the capacity, qualities, passion and expertise of employees, the Securities Business actively implements OJT, which encourages growth through work experience, and OFF-JT, which entails implementing training according to rank and occupation, supporting employees in bettering themselves professionally and so on. In the training according to rank, the Securities Business works to ensure thorough adherence to the Corporate Vision and the MUFG Group Code of Conduct and strengthen management functions, while in the training according to occupation, we work to improve the skills and expertise required from each business division in order to continue to provide customers with high-grade services. Moreover, the Securities Business is also focusing its efforts on supporting independent career development by enhancing support systems for self-betterment and acquisition of qualifications by all its employees.
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS (NICOS)
To foster human resources who can enhance the corporate value and help us to make contributions to society and customers, we implement rank-specific training and support the self-improvement of employees based on OJT that promotes growth via job performance in the workplace. Specifically, OJT officers are appointed with the goal of realizing joint learning and growth among young and mid-career employees based on mutual teaching and learning while performing everyday tasks. In rank-specific training, cross-departmental training is implemented to impart the necessary skills and foster the right mindset for each rank. Meanwhile, in support for self-improvement, we actively provide opportunities for autonomous growth through e-learning, external dispatches and so on geared to supporting the career development of each and every employee.
In order to develop employees who embody ACOM's corporate philosophy of "Customers First," "Creative and Innovative Management," and "the Spirit of Human Dignity," ACOM is implementing various types of training, including on-the-job training, rank-specific training, and selective training.
Additionally, ACOM is actively carrying out measures to support the independent career development of its employees, such as offering e-learning and correspondence educational programs as well as providing support for the acquisition of official certifications.
Additionally, ACOM is actively carrying out measures to support the independent career development of its employees, such as offering e-learning and correspondence educational programs as well as providing support for the acquisition of official certifications.
Preparing Ourselves for Globalization
MUFG Bank (the Bank) plans and conducts numerous types of training to strengthen its human resource cultivation on a global basis. For example, the company provides leadership training to future managers who have been hired as overseas employees. The "Relationship Managers Academy" is a global program for young and mid-tier employees, and the "Global Analyst" program is in place for new graduates hired overseas. Also, the Global Rotation Training Program (GRTP) provides employees hired overseas with the opportunity of on-the-job training for one year in another country and, so far, has attracted over 140 participants. By providing more opportunities for employees from any country, geographic area or culture to develop their skills, the Bank is engaged in developing human resources including employees hired overseas who respond to the increasingly globalized needs of our customers.
Career Development Support Programs
Each group company has put in place systems that allow employees to change their particular occupation or career track, as well as in-house job-posting systems that let employees apply for different jobs that they want to try.
MUFG Bank (the Bank)
In order to support independent career development of each and every employee, the Bank has created an in-house recruiting system that permits employees to apply for the position of their choice. They can apply for a variety of posts at branches and offices in Japan and overseas as well as at the Head Office. Many employees have responded when job openings are announced several times a year. The Bank has also added CSR approaches as a company that respects the work-life balance. For example, by offering a system to allow changes in career track between Main Career Track, and Business Specialist (BS) tracks; a Relocation Posting System combined with consideration of circumstances such as job transfer of a spouse, or the need to care for a family member; and a system that allows non-permanent staff including contract employees to become regular employees.
A Global Job Posting Framework is also in place for overseas employees, recruiting for internal positions on a global basis. This system enables employees including those employed in Japan to work at locations beyond the country in which they were employed.
A Global Job Posting Framework is also in place for overseas employees, recruiting for internal positions on a global basis. This system enables employees including those employed in Japan to work at locations beyond the country in which they were employed.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking (the Trust Bank)
The Trust Bank implements in-house recruiting twice a year, in principle, through systems that give employees the leeway to realize their own career development aspirations through Job Challenge (an in-house recruitment system) and the Post Challenge system for managerial-level employees. As part of the Job Challenge system, the Trust Bank offers the Global Challenge Course for employees to transfer to overseas offices and domestic offices that require foreign language ability. There have been cases of employees hired as area-specific employees transferring to overseas offices to take on new responsibilities at branches and offices. As part of the Bank's efforts to help employees build their careers, the Bank created the Active Career Challenge System, putting in place a framework whereby employees can choose how they want to work until the age of 65. Going forward, the Trust Bank will continue to develop systems in response to employees' own motivation and desire to challenge themselves.
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (the Securities Business)
Responding to the desire for autonomous career development by a wide range of employees, from young members to mid-career personnel, the Securities Business offers various opportunities, including the Job Challenge program, which is an in-house recruitment system providing opportunities to engage in different aspects of the business, the Group Subscription scheme, which allows employees to experience work they aspire to in MUFG Bank or Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, domestic and overseas study trips, and external placements. In addition, the Securities Business provides opportunities for self-study as an additional means to support employee career development. The Securities Business has also established a system that allows employees to request a transfer to a different position that is necessitated by marriage or the transfer of a spouse to a different location, in addition to a system that allows employees to request a switch to a career track different from their current one due to reasons such as a change in their personal capabilities and level of suitability or in their sets of values. In these ways, the Securities Business is providing continuous support for the career development of its employees.
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS (NICOS)
NICOS also offers broad opportunities for employees who have the desire to use their skills to the utmost, by starting to offer the new Regional Main Career Track in FY 2014, which involves no job transfers. Their system to allow changes in career track lets employees challenge themselves for career advancement by adding the Regional Main Career Track to existing Regular Service and Main Career options. Going forward, NICOS will actively hire talented employees with a desire to change career tracks and strive to put in place systems that emphasize work-life balance.
ACOM provides diverse career opportunities to support employees' career enhancement. For example, fixed-term employees are able to move up to full-time employees, and those who started their career with limited promotion opportunities can change their work course to broaden their opportunities. ACOM also provides periodical opportunities for employees to assess and submit their desired career development plans in order to support their fulfillments.
Corporate Citizenship Project
Since FY 2007, MUFG Bank has included volunteer work in the training programs for new employees. By having them participate in volunteer activities in the local community, this program aims to help employees become aware of their roles as members of society. This experience also allows new employees to adopt the basic attitude of serving society and proactively offering what they can to people and society in general.
Under this hands-on training program, called the Corporate Citizenship Project in cooperation with the Tokyo Voluntary Action Center and other volunteer centers in Tokyo, new employees visit more than 100 welfare facilities in two days in the Tokyo area and Yokohama. Through pre-visit orientations, volunteering opportunities, and post-activity reviews, new hires concluded that the program was an excellent opportunity to reconsider what they can do as a member of society. Others have mentioned that the volunteering experience aided them in understanding the importance of considering circumstances from someone else's point of view. Just as importantly, the program allows newly-hired employees to recognize their significance as members of society.
Under this hands-on training program, called the Corporate Citizenship Project in cooperation with the Tokyo Voluntary Action Center and other volunteer centers in Tokyo, new employees visit more than 100 welfare facilities in two days in the Tokyo area and Yokohama. Through pre-visit orientations, volunteering opportunities, and post-activity reviews, new hires concluded that the program was an excellent opportunity to reconsider what they can do as a member of society. Others have mentioned that the volunteering experience aided them in understanding the importance of considering circumstances from someone else's point of view. Just as importantly, the program allows newly-hired employees to recognize their significance as members of society.
(As of July 2019)