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Products and Services for Reducing Environmental Impacts Products and Services for Reducing Environmental Impacts

Products and Services for Reducing Environmental Impacts

MUFG is working behind the scenes to reduce environmental impacts by providing products and services for customers who aim to be environmentally conscious.

Evaluation Methodology and Loan-related Product for J-REITs that aligned with ESG activities

MUFG Bank offers the loan product, “ESG Evaluation loans for J-REIT,” using “MUFG ESG Evaluation for J-REIT supported by JCR”(note) which is provided by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting. The entire loan or portions directed towards J-REITs which have received the top three ratings of MURC's ESG evaluation may be preferentially allocated for the usage of the proceeds of the MUFG Green Bonds only if loans to Eligible Green Projects. Through the loan products related to ESG, we are not only able to support the customers' funding methods, but also support customers' business challenges and offer solutions as well.

MUFG Green Bond
  1. Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting offers evaluation and ratings to J-REITs which aspire and conduct ESG management. The ESG evaluation methodology provided by MURC supports J-REITs in recognizing its current conditions and challenges regarding ESG activities.

Offering Loan Products for the Environmental and Energy Industry Sector That Leverage National Government Support Systems

MUFG Bank offers numerous loan products for the environmental and energy industry sector that make use of national government support systems to reduce the interest rate burden for customers. We also offer environmental management-oriented customers high-quality consulting expertise, supporting efforts to raise funds at reduced interest rates.

Support Environmentally Friendly Management

The Wild Bird and Greenery Trust for Environmental Conservation

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking (the Trust Bank) created the Wild Bird and Greenery Trust as a financial vehicle to support environmental conservation activities; income from this trust fund is donated to a public interest incorporated foundation, the Wild Bird Society of Japan. When payments are made to this society, the Trust Bank provides a matching contribution from its own funds (a minimum of ¥500,000, and maximum of ¥2.5 million, semi-annually), further meeting our customers' desire to protect the environment.

 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking

Point Program for Donating Credit Points to Environmental Protection Organizations

Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS (NICOS) offers a service in which customers can contribute to the environment by using points accumulated with credit cards (MUFG CARD, DC, or NICOS). The NICOS points program offers a "Charity" option (note) giving customers the option of making a ¥5 donation per point-to research for environmental protection and conservation through tree planting and forest management, or to a variety of volunteer organizations engaged in capacity building.
  1. This program enables users to donate money to an environmental project or organization of their choice, including projects conducted by a public interest incorporated foundation, the Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International, Japan (OISCA Japan) and organizations such as the Global Environmental Forum of Japan, Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE).
(As of February 2021)