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Efforts to Create an Ethical Workplace Efforts to Create an Ethical Workplace

Efforts to Create an Ethical Workplace

Fundamental Concept

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) has established the MUFG Human Resources Principles as its basic approach toward realizing human resource management in line with the MUFG Way. Along with the MUFG Way, our basic code of conduct, the MUFG Human Resources Principles are shared and communicated with all MUFG Group employees through training at the time of hire as well as in-house training and are also publicized on MUFG's website.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

MUFG Group companies regularly monitor working conditions to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate and strive to improve working environments and working hours. Each company is also compliant with the Act to Promote Work Style Reform that came into effect in April 2019. Items being monitored include whether there are violations of Article 36 on overtime work and minimum wage violations, and the number of work-related accidents.

Work Style Reform Initiatives

MUFG companies are promoting “work style reform”. Based on the opinions of employees gathered through town hall meetings and working groups, we are striving to reform the structural elements of work style such as existing procedures and customs that we found difficult to change before now. Moreover, through realizing flexible working styles such as morning work, flextime, staggered work hours, working from home and so on, we are implementing initiatives aimed at suppressing long work hours while boosting productivity.

Reducing Overtime

MUFG regularly monitors overtime hours and the number of employees who work long hours, with the entirety of the Group working to improve working environments. Group companies record PC log-on and log-off times for daily work management and in addition to accurately ascertaining each employee's work status, management operates with an awareness of limits set on working hours and the intervals within which employees work. Additionally, MUFG is striving to correct long working hours by optimizing operations through the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), setting target times for leaving the office, and establishing early finish days.

As a result, progress is being made on reducting overtime hours for employees in Japan.

Employee Health Promotion

MUFG companies have occupational physicians and counselors for managing the health of employees through offering follow-up health checkups based on the results of routine medical exams, conducting consultations with employees about issues of overwork and so on. The companies also work with doctors and counselors in ensuring the mental health of employees. Stress checks and so on are also implemented as part of the effort to preserve the mental and physical wellbeing of employees.

Human Rights Initiatives

MUFG companies recognize respect for basic human rights as an important management theme, and have established the MUFG Group Code of Conduct and compliance manuals.
Each company has a consulting service for responding to issues of sexual harassment, power harassment and so on and promoting awareness of human rights via various means including interviews, telephone, and email. In doing so, companies strive to create workplaces that are cheerful and easy to work in.
(As of March 2022)